I want to make sketches of life in every journey when i passing by. How far that i can will decided by Allah. We can talk many thing about that only if you are beside me. In this place.
Would you?


This is a solution for your company doubts the results of a soft skills training. The results of this training gives way out of a much more clear and better for the training of human resources in your Integration. The results of training over 200% above average SOFTSKILL training the best you've ever used the services which generally ranges between 30-40%.

No Brainwash No Hypnotism No Claim No Judgment No Doctrine.

Profil iamulia


by simple way to give maximal benefit

Membuat Keyakinan, Meraih Kekuatan Dan Memberi Solusi bagi Tujuan-tujuan Positif. | Trust, Power & Solution, Positivism atau Iman, Islam, Ikhsan |

iamulia, pt

Sejak tahun 1999

Jum’at, 11 Pebruari 2011

Power & Solution

by simple way to give maximal benefit

Never Ending Transffusing

Logo : Grafik kehidupan yang sesungguhnya
Logotype : iamulia, Dia yang Mahamulia - wujud penghambaan

1. Connect
2. Synchronizing Heart, Mind & Action Continuosusly and Never End
3. It’s Wrong, To build The Solid Team Without Find Out Your Character
nilai utama perusahaan

Kejujuran, Integritas, Kerendahan Hati, Keberanian, Komitmen, Ketulusan, Gairah, Keyakinan, Positivity, Kebijaksanaan, Tekad, Kasih Sayang, Sensitivitas, dan Derajat Kharisma Pribadi


In House Training
1.    NET – Never Ending Transfusing
2.    Internalizing
3.    Serve by Soul
4.    Corporate Culture

Public Training
1.    NET for Parents & Kids Plus Teacher
2.    NET for Parent & Teens Plus Teacher
3.    How To Make Us as A Couple (How 2 MaC)
4.    NET – spesial Events


NET training
informasi umum

Good News for Your Company

NET - Synchronizing Heart, Mind, & Action continuosly and Never End adalah, Pelatihan praktek yang mampu merubah perilaku manusia dalam waktu 35 jam pelatihan efektif. Pelatihan praktek khusus - berbasis energy universal dan samasekali tidak berlawanan dengan nilai-nilai universal. Not spritual Training. No Brainwash, No Hypnotism, No Claim, No Doctrine, & No Judgment.

Menumbuhkan kharisma yang menjadi satu kebutuhan dasar bagi jatidiri setiap orang. NET sangat dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan guna mensinergikan semua elemen SDM perusahaan dalam satu bangunan yang kelak disebut sebagai kultur perusahaan.

Strugle for Life game is a game of moral and material binding. As well as a statement that honesty is the beginning of wisdom.

keberhasilan pelatihan

Rata2 hasil pelatihan umum, umumnya 30-40%.
Hasil Pelatihan Praktek NET mencapai 90% lebih. Hasil pelatihan NET teraplikasi menahun.
You Need Net

You Need NET.AMBIL peran nyata Anda dalam NET, SEBELUM masuk seri NET lanjutan. SEBELUM masuk pelatihan lain !!!.

email : charlie_ruud@yahoo.com

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